Suite 508 89 High Street

KEW 3101


(03) 9067 7582


How does AMBS offer personalised service?

Doctors can choose how they submit their accounts (by mail, fax, e-mail or in person) and can also choose how they are invoiced by AMBS (flat fee or percentage based).

What fees do AMBS charge?

Please download the AMBS Our Service information sheet on the Services page of this website for information regarding fees.

Can assistant surgeons register with AMBS?

Yes, AMBS has many assistant surgeons registered with them and welcome any others who would be interested in having their accounts done by AMBS.

FAQs  Australia
FAQs  Australia

Do AMBS use Eclipse?

Yes, AMBS are registered to send accounts through Eclipse, ensuring the fastest possible turnaround for payments.

Does AMBS charge a setup fee?

No, there is no setup fee for registering with AMBS. If you would like AMBS to do your initial health fund registration paperwork for you, we can do so at a charge of $90.00 + GST. If you choose to do the initial paperwork yourself we will send the forms to you and there will be no charge.

How do I register?

Please visit the registration page for information on how to register.